Edinburgh, our fair city

I would like to share my thoughts with you about the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, our capital city, absolutely does not get enough praise.

I am a fairly new visitor to the city despite to my shame being Scottish but felt compelled to tell you about my experience so far.

I am the Practice Manager at Bright Light on Dundas Street. This service offers counselling services to individuals, couples and families throughout Edinburgh and the Lothian regions. This is what brought me to this beautiful place.

My experience of the city is minimal and as children I recall memories of Arran, Rothsay and Dunoon. In my late teen years I toddled off to London and spent many years in the city and its outskirts. I came back to Scotland in 2004 and reside in deepest Lanarkshire, beautiful as a place but not the best county to travel from. I have worked in Glasgow for many years and realised that I had not fully appreciated that Edinburgh has so much to offer its guests.

On my way home from work the other night, I was sitting on the bus and there was an American couple behind me. I overheard their conversation about the castle “wasn’t the castle just awesome” he said. She nodded and said “it sure is!”. I thought ‘they are so right’ it is awesome.

I love the sound of the trams dinging past and love the cosmopolitan feel about the city. The languages that can be heard as you pass and how helpful people are to help you find your way around the city. There are fabulous transport links but the parking… well let’s not mention that, but to be fair that’s what’s expected in any city. The architecture is truly outstanding and perhaps many forget to look up as they shuffle their way to work in the mornings.

I for one am so grateful to be here in this beautiful city and feel very proud that we can call this city our Capital as it truly deserves to be elevated just like our castle on the rock.
